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西方哲學 作者 Views 發表時間

反省於在世與出世 - 當佛教遇到歐陸哲學工作坊:第一場「出世與在世」與談稿

gustav 1,796 12/31/2020 12:37AM


高雄服務找囡囡 1,545 12/11/2016 09:12PM

Hegelian Preliminaries 01

boris 1,898 07/05/2015 07:32AM

Note on Hegel's System

boris 1,987 11/01/2014 06:08PM

Re: Note on Hegel's System

gustav 1,883 11/02/2014 10:18AM

自由、認識與批判知識論 - 當康德碰上佛陀 Freedom, Cognition and Critical Epistemology -- When Kant meets Buddha

gustav 6,163 04/23/2014 11:00AM

[轉載]李明輝:形上學有未來嗎?--康德的《一切能作為學問而出現的未來形上學之序論》 [聯副 Issue 4588/2014-03-18]

gustav 3,742 03/20/2014 08:25AM


sandy 4,984 05/05/2010 02:07PM

Re: 佛羅倫斯.斯科維爾.希恩《一輩子活在成功裡──現在放棄還太早,幸福只差這一步》

Carol 3,163 08/28/2010 12:53PM

Re: 佛羅倫斯.斯科維爾.希恩《一輩子活在成功裡──現在放棄還太早,幸福只差這一步》

mrrinboy 1,556 02/26/2014 12:54PM

理性從來沒有真正地生出任何概念 ... 康德《純理批判》(A409-410/B436-437)

gustav 3,800 12/30/2012 06:13PM


gustav 4,541 08/23/2012 11:20AM

How did Hegel repudiate Kant's subject/object separation? (A question)

boris 3,722 05/10/2011 10:24PM

Re: How did Hegel repudiate Kant's subject/object separation? (A question)

boris 2,737 07/26/2012 04:49PM


apophasis 4,572 02/25/2012 11:39AM

[科技倫理] 國立臺灣大學研究倫理中心暨臺灣北區保護研究參與者聯盟行政中心正式運作

apophasis 4,564 01/16/2012 04:57PM

An Essay Establishing Critical Epistemology – Following Dignāga and Kant / 汪純瑩 Chun-Ying WANG

gustav 11,224 05/01/2011 01:15AM

Re: An Essay Establishing Critical Epistemology – Following Dignāga and Kant / 汪純瑩 Chun-Ying WANG

Anonymous User 4,104 01/07/2012 03:19PM

The Sublime - some thoughts

boris 3,936 12/30/2011 10:16AM


mimizorro 6,323 11/14/2011 10:52PM

Re: 斯賓諾莎的哲學思想

mimizorro 3,281 11/14/2011 11:27PM

吸引力法則 作者 Views 發表時間


sandy 4984 05/05/2010 02:07PM

康德哲學 作者 Views 發表時間

反省於在世與出世 - 當佛教遇到歐陸哲學工作坊:第一場「出世與在世」與談稿

gustav 1796 12/31/2020 12:37AM


高雄服務找囡囡 1545 12/11/2016 09:12PM

自由、認識與批判知識論 - 當康德碰上佛陀 Freedom, Cognition and Critical Epistemology -- When Kant meets Buddha

gustav 6163 04/23/2014 11:00AM

[轉載]李明輝:形上學有未來嗎?--康德的《一切能作為學問而出現的未來形上學之序論》 [聯副 Issue 4588/2014-03-18]

gustav 3742 03/20/2014 08:25AM

理性從來沒有真正地生出任何概念 ... 康德《純理批判》(A409-410/B436-437)

gustav 3800 12/30/2012 06:13PM


gustav 4541 08/23/2012 11:20AM

An Essay Establishing Critical Epistemology – Following Dignāga and Kant / 汪純瑩 Chun-Ying WANG

gustav 11224 05/01/2011 01:15AM

The Sublime - some thoughts

boris 3936 12/30/2011 10:16AM

尊敬與道德感 摘自《實踐理性批判》

gustav 5348 10/02/2011 11:25PM

On “Freedom” in Allen Wood's 《Kantian Ethics》

gustav 5180 09/21/2011 10:38AM

小人之心與君子之腹 - 康德與佛教觀點中的修行之「道」(上)

gustav 6708 06/08/2011 11:31AM


gustav 5721 06/27/2009 09:31AM

§1 A Judgment of Taste Is Aesthetic / Kant's Critique of Judgment

Hsinping 5292 02/20/2011 07:42PM

[轉錄] China, Ai Weiwei und die Aufklärung Die Kritik der reinen Anti-Vernunft [sueddeutsche.de 2011-Apr-08]

gustav 5277 04/20/2011 12:38AM

Some Responses to Allen Wood's “Kant and the Intelligibility of Evil”

gustav 5051 03/03/2011 02:47PM

當代西方哲學 作者 Views 發表時間

科技與虛無--現代人的處境 / 摘自林鎮國《空性與現代性》(2004)

gustav 6598 07/13/2009 11:27PM


gustav 4361 06/08/2009 10:41PM


gustav 5343 04/12/2009 12:14PM

線上資源:哈伯馬斯《現代性的哲學論述(The Philosophic Discourse of Modernity)》介紹

gustav 9694 04/12/2009 12:00PM


abc790792003 3829 04/11/2009 11:25AM


gustav 5718 04/10/2009 04:52PM

Diego Velázquez's Las Meninas

gustav 1950 04/10/2009 02:27PM

Exemple Set 1 [What is moral?]

gustav 1666 04/03/2009 11:11PM

Exemple Set 2 [Power v.s. Truth]

gustav 1629 04/04/2009 09:02AM

Power / Blackburn's Oxford Dictionary of Philosophy

gustav 1815 03/29/2009 11:05PM

Foucault, Michel / Blackburn's Oxford Dictionary of Philosophy

gustav 2603 03/29/2009 10:56PM

Initial Notice

gustav 1694 03/28/2009 01:01AM

道德學 作者 Views 發表時間


apophasis 4572 02/25/2012 11:39AM

[科技倫理] 國立臺灣大學研究倫理中心暨臺灣北區保護研究參與者聯盟行政中心正式運作

apophasis 4564 01/16/2012 04:57PM

Harvard University's Jusitce with Michael Sandel / 哈佛大學Sandel教授談正義

gustav 5042 03/31/2011 02:58PM

史無前例 人造細菌問世 / 法新社 2010-05-21

gustav 4769 05/21/2010 09:51PM

[NOWnews] Google遭判為霸凌影片負刑責 網路分享恐遭顛覆

gustav 4832 02/26/2010 01:46PM

[NOWnews] Google遭判為霸凌影片負刑責 網路分享恐遭顛覆

gustav 4605 02/26/2010 01:45PM

Return to the Realm of Humanity – A Forum for “Kant” and “Nāgārjuna”

gustav 10682 01/27/2010 01:12AM

[科技政策][生物科技] 《人體生物資料庫管理條例》三讀通過

gustav 5439 01/09/2010 01:16AM

[Sci-Tech Policy][Biotch] Taiwan's BioBank Act through Third Reading

gustav 6480 01/09/2010 01:13AM


gustav 5289 12/15/2009 10:10PM

《成長的極限》作者 Dr. Meadows 於日本第25屆國際獎獲獎之訪談摘要

HP 20483 08/12/2009 04:06AM

[德國] 德國研發用人造肝臟測試藥物

gustav 5313 08/03/2009 04:01PM

[歐盟] 歐盟預計2010年完成生物資料庫基礎設備原型系統

gustav 5202 08/03/2009 03:37PM

[德國] 德國研究基金會(DFG)補助人文科學研究

gustav 5058 08/03/2009 03:16PM

[Sci-tech Policy][Biotech] Incomplete BioBank Regulations Put People at Danger of Privacy Infringement, Calls the Lawmaker

gustav 2196 07/04/2009 03:56PM

黑格爾哲學 作者 Views 發表時間

Hegelian Preliminaries 01

boris 1898 07/05/2015 07:32AM

Note on Hegel's System

boris 1987 11/01/2014 06:08PM

How did Hegel repudiate Kant's subject/object separation? (A question)

boris 3722 05/10/2011 10:24PM

Nobody knows exactly what Hegel is talking about.

boris 3233 05/11/2011 01:27PM