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簽訂 MOU 後銀行業在中國的實質規範:《商業周刊》與《今周刊》報導歧異的比較

Posted by HP 

MOU 和 ECFA 什麼關係,為何要放在一起談?賴士葆一言中的:簽了ECFA,就等於關起門來給好處。意思是說,如果只簽了MOU,銀行辦事處只能升分行,還是不能在中國經營人民幣業務,如果按照國際間的遊戲規則,至少等三年是不可少的,還必須達到三年中有兩年獲利的條件;但是如果兩岸簽ECFA,這是台灣與中國簽訂的,就不必理會國際規則,直接不用排隊,就可以經營人民幣業務,銀行業馬上就雞犬升天。


因為兩岸都是 WTO 會員國,台灣業者進到中國市場,和其他外資一樣,須回到 WTO 架構底下,不僅討不了便宜,而且因為兩岸對 WTO 的承諾不同,還可能造成對台灣業者「不公平」的競爭模式。




中國在 WTO 的 trade policies by sector (Document Download)


Only foreign commercial banks that have maintained a representative office in China for at least two years prior to the application, and have total assets of not less than US$10 billion at the end of the year preceding the application, can apply for the establishment of a wholly foreign-funded bank (subsidiary). The same asset requirement applies for the establishment of a Chinese-foreign joint-venture bank. A foreign bank wishing to establish a branch must have total assets of not less than US$20 billion at the end of the year preceding the application, and must have maintained a representative office in China for at least two years in the area where it applies to establish its first branch. It was not clear to the Secretariat why the minimum asset requirements are higher for the establishment of branches than for locally incorporated entities, taking into account that branches are not allowed to conduct retail business. In addition, foreign financial institutions wishing to establish any type of operational foreign-funded bank must have persistent profit-earning capacity and good reputation; have experience in international financial activities; have in place an effective anti-money-laundering system; and be subject to supervision – and have the application approved – by its home country regulator.


Wholly foreign-funded and Chinese-foreign joint-venture banks may engage in the same business operations as domestic commercial banks, both in local and foreign currency. Nonetheless, branches of foreign banks cannot supply bank cards; they may only receive time deposits of not less than Y 1 million each from Chinese citizens within China. Operational foreign-funded banks wishing to engage in local-currency business must have had their business in China for at least three years, and have been profitable for two consecutive years, prior to the application.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 10/16/2009 09:57PM by HP.

有沒有人可以翻譯或解譯上面那段 WTO 的節錄?


