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康德美學 作者 Views 發表時間

§9 Investigation of the Question Whether in a Judgment of Taste the Feeling of Pleasure Precedes the Judging of the Object or the Judging Precedes the Pleasure

gustav 550 06/18/2021 01:48PM

§8 In a Judgment of Taste the Universality of the Liking Is Presented Only as Subjective

gustav 630 06/04/2021 05:38PM

§ 6 The Beautiful Is What Is Presented without Concepts as the Object of a Universal Liking

gustav 642 05/20/2021 01:20PM

§3-5 Three Kinds of Liking and Conclusion of First Movement

gustav 706 04/16/2021 01:49PM

§2 The Liking That Determines a Judgment of Taste Is Devoid of All Interest

gustav 726 04/02/2021 12:48PM

§1 A Judgment of Taste is Aesthetic

gustav 744 03/26/2021 12:44PM

「Aesthetics」- between Baumgarten and Kant

gustav 822 03/04/2021 09:00PM

康德美學 課綱

gustav 689 02/25/2021 10:03AM